Post by maggiebowdenHello, Despite having a firewall and virus check I'm still receiving
microsoft ads titled as ''SPAM'' There were 9 this am.
How do I get rid of it? Mags
Firewalls and virus checks are not the correct tools to filter out spam.
If you are getting "Microsoft" ads, you need to filter them by use of a
proper spam filter system. You can get add-ons for MSOE that will do it,
but the general consensus is that you really ought to look at getting an
email/news client that is a little more capable and a little less of a bug
Meanwhile, what I would say is that you really should consider posting
this to an appropriate group. Microsoft queries are not welcome here. If,
however, you are merely using your M$ machine to post a RISC OS query,
please state the version and TCP/IP suite and email/news client in use.