Post by Mark Fraser (News)Post by ROS402dnPost by ROS402dnJust a tootle, ignore please.
Dagnabbit, furgat the uk bit ;)
Tryin' agin ...
Stand clear of the doors ...
I did wonder what the new newsgroup was. So it is just simply changing
freeserve to wanadoouk?
An exercise in rebranding. Wanadoo wants you to forget that Freeserve ever
existed. Well, as soon as I can afford to, I'll do just that when I go BB.
Wanadoobrie is the LAST company I would ask for BB service. (Have you
noticed, for example, that they have sneaked that bit back into their TOS
about MSIE?)
//\ // Chika <*** - ROT13>
// \// Guess what? Google *doesn't* own Usenet! Boycott Google now!
... (((((YOU)))))((((ARE))))((((((FEELING))))))(((((SLEEPY)))))