Post by BeverlyKaderthere is a constant error message on my system. I am not able to send or
receive mail. Please rectify asap. does not fix PC's.
You can certainly get help to fix your own problems by going to the UFAQ
<> but, beyond that, you really should post to the
correct forum for Microsoft problems. is a group that helps users of RISC OS with problems
on Freeserve/Wanadoo. For PC related problems, you would be better off
looking at one of the groups that deals with PC problems, depending on
which service you have signed up to (e.g. Anytime users should start at
The* groups are not actually part of Freeserve/Wanadoo,
and their staff do not actively participate on them. They are really meant
as self help groups for specific groups of users. If you really do need
help, contact the helpdesk.
//\ // Chika <*** - ROT13>
// \// The second ZFC coming <>
... Marriage isn't a word, it's a sentence.